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Desensitization towards multiple allergies


What is E.P.D.?

The E.P.D. treatment (Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization) is a non-specific desensitizing therapy which consists of the intradermal inoculation, on the volar part of the arm, of extremely low doses of allergens combined with the Betaglycuronidase enzyme, a protein already present in the human body. The amount of vaccine injected is the size of a small drop (0.05 ml). The injection causes a tiny bubble and a slight burning sensation that usually resolves in about ten minutes. The patient is asked to wait approximately 30 minutes after each administration to be able to observe any reactions to the therapy. One of the strengths of the E.P.D. it is the use, for each treatment, of many varieties of allergens.

This has a double advantage:

  1. firstly, the patient is also treated for substances to which he does not suspect an allergy
  2. secondly, it helps the patient to prevent the onset of new allergies, as well as naturally eliminate those already present.

Which allergens are mixed?

There are various mixtures of allergens, including the most common foods, pollen, dust and various volatile substances (mold, spores, animal skin, etc.). Each patient is given the mixture of allergens best suited to her needs.

What is E.P.D. used for?

The E.P.D. it has been used successfully in the treatment of asthma, hay fever (rhinitis), eczema, urticaria, angioedema, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraine, childhood hyperactivity and is particularly effective in the presence of a combination of the conditions described.
The E.P.D. it is not used for the treatment of contact dermatitis, allergy to aspirin or insect bites.

It's safe? 

The number of allergens administered with each dose of E.P.D. it is never higher than the dose that is usually administered with a prick test. 
For this reason, the E.P.D. it is a much safer treatment than conventional desensitization therapies.

Is it effective?

Clinical experiments have shown that E.P.D. it is effective in more than 80% of patients; in other words, out of 5 patients whose allergies have been correctly identified, 4 receive benefit from the treatment.  The E.P.D. it can be effective in those patients who present a multiplicity of symptoms and/or pathologies.

After how long do you notice the first improvements?

It takes about 24 days for "T cells" to mature; usually no differences in the allergic syndrome are noted before this time has passed. The response to the first dose of E.P.D. is variable, many patients already show the first benefits, others do not improve, and some may, in rare cases, show some worsening. Patients suffering from eczema, hyperactivity and chronic fatigue syndrome are those who most often show a worsening, albeit temporary, of symptoms after the first dose of E.P.D.. Subsequent administrations have no negative effects on the patient.

How many injections are needed?

In the case of simple allergies, such as house dust allergies, 2 or 3 injections are sufficient to observe improvements.  In the case of hay fever, significant improvements can be achieved with just one or two injections administered before the start of the pollen season.  Other situations may require 4 or more administrations before real improvement is noticed. Any relapses may occur after 5 or 6 years, and for this reason booster doses may be used.
In general, the most effective response was obtained by recommending 2 doses per year (February - March and October - November) for three years, for a total of 6 doses. A seventh and eighth booster dose spaced one year apart is recommended.

Are there any side effects?

Side effects can be kept under control by carefully following some instructions.
A slight wheal in the area of administration is absolutely normal, but this is a phenomenon that resolves quickly. In the following hours a swelling may appear, which can persist for up to 3 days and which usually begins to disappear from the fourth day; rarely the swelling can affect the entire arm. There are no dangerous reactions; disorders should be treated with antihistamines and not with creams or ointments. Among other side effects, a temporary worsening of the symptoms of the treated allergy may occur, such as in the case of sneezing, hives, etc. These disorders usually disappear within a few days; in some cases, they can persist for a few weeks or, very rarely, for a few months.
For any reaction of a different nature and extent, consult your doctor.

The therapy can be administered by doctors specialized in allergology and/or who have followed a specific course for the administration of E.P.D.


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  • 47891 Falciano (RSM)
  • Phone: +39 0549 941535
  • Fax: +39 0549 913979
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Cytodiagnostic srl

Via Onesto Scavino 10
47891 Falciano (RSM)
Phone: +39 0549 941535.
Fax: +39 0549 913979.
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